

Ellon Academy Community Campus



Andy Cruickshank (PT Faculty)

Hein Bester

Paul MacBeath

Rachel Seifert

Nathan Wylie

Michael Francoli (Technician)

The Technical Department at Ellon Academy promotes skills for life and work in all of our subjects. With a focus on problem solving, creative thinking and initiative, we aim to prepare pupils for Technical related jobs that don’t even exist yet. Skills in IT, literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing are embedded in all our subject areas and understanding the importance of health and safety in the workshop is paramount. Our pupils are driven to succeed and are supported throughout their time in the department and leave prepared and ready for the challenge of the world of work and beyond.


S1 – S3

Pupils in S1 to S3 follow the Broad General Education Curriculum for Excellence courses. We ensure all pupils progress through the Technical curriculum at the appropriate level and pace and deliver a varied and differentiated learning experience. In S1 and S2, pupils will experience one period a week in the workshop, designing and manufacturing practical projects in wood, metal and plastic. The second period is spent in the classroom, focusing on Graphic Communication and Engineering Science units of work, which includes sketching and drawing, Computed Aided Design, energy and electronics.

S2 pupils also undertake an 8 week Enrichment block in the Technical Faculty which aims to further enhance their design and manufacture skills alongside improving their communication, teamwork and leadership skills. Additionally S2 pupils also compete in the S2 Technology Challenge, run in partnership with the North of Scotland College every year.

In S3 pupils make a course choice and have the following subjects available to them:

The Graphic Communication course allows pupils to begin to develop an understanding of graphic types and their purposes in industry. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore board work, CAD/CAM technologies, sketching and rendering and Desktop Publishing and advertising. Pupils will work individually and as part of a group throughout the year to create effective, visually pleasing solutions to different graphic design briefs, all of which will give a solid ground knowledge for the National 4/5 course and beyond.

The Engineering Science course allows pupils to begin to develop a basic understanding of engineering and its role/impact on society and the environment. Pupils will explore electronics, energy, mechanisms and basic structures. Pupils will have opportunities to work as a group to solve engineering problems as well as independent study, some of this will involve building and testing models to suit an engineering solution.

The Practical Woodworking course allows pupils to develop skills in setting out, marking and making a variety of different joining methods across frame and carcass construction methods. Pupils will work with various materials, including hardwoods, softwoods and manufactured board.

Pupils will complete course work throughout the year in addition to a weekly log book detailing their own progress, completed individually.

Pupils will be expected to pay £12 towards the material costs of the course.

The Practical Metalworking course allows pupils to develop skills in measuring, marking out, fabricating, forming and joining a variety of different metals using different techniques. Pupils will work with a range of materials and experience industry practices in hot and cold joining methods in addition to using both bench (hand) and machine processes throughout the year. Pupils will also have opportunity to apply various finishes to projects.

Pupils will complete course work throughout the year in addition to a weekly log book detailing their own progress, completed individually.

Pupils will be expected to pay £12 towards the material costs of the course.

The course provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop some skills in a workshop setting, focused around both wood and metal materials. Pupils will learn about safe working conditions in a workshop and will have opportunity to gain practical experience in the use of a range of tools, equipment and materials.

Pupils will be expected to pay £12 towards the material costs of the course.

Senior Phase


The Technical faculty delivers the following subjects at National 4/5 level. In addition to this, Practical Craft Skills will be on offer at National 3 level from 2017/18.

The Graphic Communication course allows pupils to develop an understanding of how graphics can influence and impact on our society and environment. Pupils will explore both 2D and 3D graphics, creating responses to real context briefs in various areas, including CAD/CAM technologies, Desktop Publishing, sketching, rendering and the analysis of existing products and designs.

Pupils will complete course and home work throughout the year, concluding in an individual Graphic Design assignment, worth 50% of the final grade, and a final written exam.

The Engineering Science course allows pupils to develop an understanding of engineering and its role and impact in changing and influencing our environment and society. Pupils will explore the world of engineering through real context application and develop solutions to engineering problems through the use of energy calculations, mechanics and mechanisms, electronics, pneumatics, programmable control, systems models and logic algorithms.

Pupils will complete course and home work throughout the year, concluding in an individual engineering assignment, worth 40% of the final grade, and a final written exam, worth 60%.

The Practical Woodworking course allows pupils to develop skills in setting out, marking and making a variety of different joining methods across frame and carcass construction methods. Pupils will work with various materials, including hardwoods, softwoods and manufactured board.

Pupils will complete course work throughout the year in addition to a weekly log book detailing their own progress, completed individually.

Pupils will be expected to pay £24 towards the material costs of the course.

The Practical Metalworking course allows pupils to develop skills in measuring, marking out, fabricating, forming and joining a variety of different metals using different techniques. Pupils will work with a range of materials and experience industry practices in hot and cold joining methods in addition to using both bench (hand) and machine processes throughout the year. Pupils will also have opportunity to apply various finishes to projects.

Pupils will complete course work throughout the year in addition to a weekly log book detailing their own progress, completed individually.

Pupils will be expected to pay £24 towards the material costs of the course.

The course provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop some skills in a workshop setting, focused around both wood and metal materials. Pupils will learn about safe working conditions in a workshop and will have opportunity to gain practical experience in the use of a range of tools, equipment and materials.

Pupils will be expected to pay £12 towards the material costs of the course.

These course choice options allow pupils to develop a deeper working knowledge and understanding of their chosen Technical subject. All of our courses will engage and encourage pupils to work independently, and as part of a team when appropriate, and produce high quality work across all topics of their chosen course.

The majority of S3 pupils will progress into S4 continuing study of their chosen subject at a deeper level and producing work for assessment regularly.

Every pupil’s progress is regularly reviewed to ensure each individual is challenged at the correct level and is presented for the examinations most suited to them.

S5 & S6

S5/S6 students are currently offered Graphic Communication at National 5, 6 (Higher) or 7 (Advanced Higher), alongside Engineering Science at National 5 and 6 (Higher).

Pupils will complete course and home work throughout the year, concluding in an individual Graphic Design assignment, worth 50% of the final grade, and a final written exam, also worth 50%.

Pupils will complete course and home work in addition to an individual project (proposed, designed and produced by the pupil), worth 60% of the final grade, and a final written exam, also worth 40%.

Pupils will complete course and home work throughout the year, concluding in an individual engineering assignment, worth 40% of the final grade, and a final written exam, worth 60%.

Practical Woodwork and Metalwork are also on offer to S5 and S6 pupils at National 4 and 5.

The Technical Department also work in partnership with the North of Scotland College (NESCol) to deliver courses based at the Ellon Academy Community Campus. In previous years this has included Skills for Work (SfW) Construction and Engineering at National 4/5 level.

Further Information

Pupils also have the opportunity to take part in a variety of clubs run in the Technical Department.