

Ellon Academy Community Campus



Karin Leslie  – Principal Teacher Faculty/Modern Studies

Victoria Longhurst (Geography)

Fran Tomlinson (Geography)

Ewan MacLeod (History)

Paul Winterbottom (History)

Euan Bruce (Modern Studies)

Jo Kelly (Modern Studies) – Mon/Tues & Thurs

Stuart Massie (Modern Studies)

Colin McLean (RMPS)

Mark Paterson (RMPS)


The Humanities Faculty consists of Geography, History, Modern Studies and Religious and Moral Education. Although separate subjects, together they aim to help our pupils to develop a greater understanding of the world by learning about other people and their values, in different times, places and circumstances. They also aim to develop their understanding of their environment and how it has been shaped as well as helping them to explore their own beliefs, values and purpose in life.




Enrichment – Citizenship through Comics

Geography – Atlas Skills, Ellon to the Amazon, Weather

Modern Studies – Democracies and Dictatorships

History – The Making of Scotland

RMPS – The Big Question, Beliefs



Geography – Development and Disease, Earth Forces

Modern Studies – International Terrorism

History – The First World War

RMPS – Belief in Action



RMPS (core) – What is Morality?

Geography – Trade and Aid, Scotland’s Landscapes, Map skills, Weather and Climate, Hot and Cold Deserts, Urban Geography,  Aberdeen Fieldtrip

Modern Studies – Poverty in the UK, Crimes against Humanity, Influencing Decision Making

History – Rise of the Nazis 1919-1939, Atlantic Slave Trade 1770-1807


S4 National 4/5

RMPS (core) – Morality and Justice N4/5 unit

Geography – Human and Physical Geography and Global Issues

Modern Studies – Democracy in Scotland and UK, Crime and Law, International Issue USA

History – Atlantic Slave Trade, Migration and Empire 1830-1839, Free at Last? Civil Rights USA 1918-1965


S5/6 National 4,5 and 6

RMPS – Islam, Morality Medicine and the Human Body, Origins

Geography – Human and Physical Geography and Global Issues

Modern Studies – Democracy in the UK, Social Inequality, International Issue China

History – Britain 1850-1979, Scotland and the Impact of the Great War 1914-1928, Russia 1881-1921


S6 Advanced Higher

Geography – Geographical Issue with Research Study

Modern Studies – Crime and Law with Research Methods

History – Germany 1919-1945


Further details about each of these courses can be found in the relevant subject area within the SQA website ( All Humanities courses develop a wide range of knowledge, understanding and skills, helping to equip pupils for further study, for work and for life.